For Immediate Release // Please Excuse Cross Posting
Wednesday, September 15th, 2021
Media Contact: Viridiana Vidal (702) 206-2110,

Los Jornaleros del Norte Launch East Coast Tour to Celebrate 20th Anniversary of NDLON and to Continue the Fight Against Injustices

Sep 15 – Boston, MA
Sep 16 – Newark, NJ
Sep 17 – New York City, NY
Sep 18 – Westchester, NY
Sep 20 – Washington, DC

Los Angeles, CA – This week, Los Jornaleros del Norte will leave their West Coast home to join the fight for justice with day laborers and immigrants across the East Coast. Known as the “house band for the immigrant rights and labor movement” in Los Angeles, they will bring their unique blend of art, protest, and activism, to provide a connective harmonies for all those immigrants denouncing demagoguery, lies, manipulation, discrimination, wage theft, and inequality.

For over 20 years, Los Jornaleros del Norte have been singing to and with low-income workers and immigrants, giving musical voice to a group of people who have been silenced by dehumanizing and racist policies and politics. In these two decades, they have become the soundtrack for the immigrant rights movement in LA and the musical inspiration for workers marching on the streets or on the picket line. Each song is a historical document hat turns experiences of abuse and oppression into acts of courage, resistance and liberation that transcend human borders.

“NDLON and Los Jornaleros del Norte were funded with the idea that the voice of the people should always be at the center of our civil rights struggles. The voice of the oppressed is the northern star of our fight. Through the years we have fought to make sure that the right to work is equal and protected for everyone. We have done it through arts and music,” said Pablo Alvarado, Co-Executive Director at NDLON and member of Los Jornaleros del Norte

Their latest single “El Cochinito” paints a stark contrast between the value of the opportunist politician’s work and the value of the day laborer’s work. The pandemic has made visible who is essential and who is not. Politicians that play games with people’s lives while immigrant workers keep the lights on for this country.

In their East Coast tour, Los Jornaleros del Norte will continue to sing to honor the value of the work, contributions, culture, struggles and the hopes of working people.
