NDLON Responds to GOP Immigration Principles

For immediate release // excuse cross-postingContact: B. Loewe, 773.791.4668 bloewe{at}ndlon.org In response to the GOP’s principles on immigration released today, Chris Newman, legal director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network issued the following statement: “We are concerned the nativists within the Republican party now control the the whip hand on the immigration reform debate.…

Obama says at SOTU: ‘Let’s get immigration reform done this year’ | Voxxi

Pablo Alvarado, executive director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, was also disappointed to see Obama make no mention of deportations. He called on the president to “lead by example” and sign an executive order to stop deportations. “The President has already shown that he has broad legal authority in the realm of immigration; but t…

NDLON Responds to 2014 State of the Union Speech

“Tonight’s speech was both a disappointment and a call to action for immigrants to increase pressure on the President for relief and for their rights. If the President wants 2014 to be a year of action, immigration is one area where he can and should lead by example. The President has already shown that he has broad legal authority in the realm of immigration; but to date, he has mostly exercised that authority poorly as part of a failed political strategy.

Dems to Obama: Call for end to deportations at State of the Union | Voxxi

Frustrated with the gridlock in Congress and seeking to advance administration goals, store President Barack Obama said at a recent cabinet meeting: “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone — and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward.” Now, a group of House Democrats want…

EEUU: Jornaleros en esquinas ya no están solos – Yahoo Noticias

NUEVA YORK (AP) — Martín García Ibáñez ha pasado de ganar 80 dólares diarios limpiando el sótano de un edificio afectado por el huracán Sandy a 180 haciendo de carpintero en un edificio en remodelación en Brooklyn, Nueva York.

El mexicano de 34 años dejó de sufrir jornadas de 12 horas diarias en duras condiciones y sin equipo de protección, a trabajar ahora ocho horas con casco, gafas y guantes. Dispone además de dos descansos diarios que incluyen 20 minutos para comer.

“Ha sido un cambio drástico”, dijo Ibáñez. “Mi vida ha mejorado no sólo en los salarios sino en la calidad de trabajo. Antes trabajaba en zonas peligrosas y ahora estoy con una compañía, en una zona segura y con material de protección”.