California Trust Act, Se Communities Clash in Immigration Debate

Advocates for immigrants have gained ground in the last six months in their long fight against a U.S. policy allowing federal immigration officials to screen suspects in local jails. Now they are close to notching their biggest victory yet.   In California, order the home of nearly 2.5 million unauthorized immigrants, seek lawmakers this month once again passed the so-called Trust Act, which would block local police from holding suspects for immigration agents when they would otherwise be free to go. Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, has until mid-October to decide whether to sign the law.






Immigration reform can and should aim to reduce poverty and boost nation’s economic strength.

LOS ANGELES – Civil and immigrant rights leaders from the Latino and African-American communities today urged Congress and the Administration to remain focused on the passage of immigration reform and anti-poverty measures. They emphasized that while Congress continues to focus on important foreign policy and its work to avert a government shutdown, lawmakers must not use that as an excuse to push comprehensive immigration reform and anti-poverty measures off the agenda.

Despite other issues on the Congressional agenda, today’s press conference attendees stressed that Congress must understand that an overhaul in immigration policy is critical for our national and economic security. Currently, it is estimated that 11 million undocumented immigrants live in the United States. 

NDLON Responds to News of Gang of 7 Bill’s Demise

Options Still Remain, 
Despite Beltway Proclamations to Contrary
September 20, 2013 – Los Angeles, CA
In response to the Greg Sargent piece quoting Congressman Luis Gutierrez as stating that the House Gang of 7 bill will not be put forward, Pablo Alvarado, executive director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), issued the following statement:
“At this crucial moment,  President Obama’s leadership is needed.  He can – and must – take action to alleviate immigrants’ suffering and propel much needed legislation forward.
“Despite the President’s statements to the contrary, options do remain that can help immigrants, break the logjam in Congress,  and offer leverage for a positive bill.  Answering the wide call to suspend deportations and expand deferred action is an obvious trump card the President has in his hands to qualitatively change the nature of the debate.  

Se encadenan a la Casa Blanca y le piden a Obama que frene las deportaciones – Univision Noticias

ICE reporta que al 9 de septiembre 343, s 020 indocumentados han sido deportados de EEUU Activistas que defienden los derechos de los inmigrantes se encadenaron el miércoles a las rejas de los jardines de la Casa Blanca para pedirle al presidente Barack Obama que frene las deportaciones. La protesta se lleva a cabo un día después…