From the time of Solomon up to the present day, balance – the art of finding an equitable middle ground – has been a central principle of justice. To uphold that principle,I believe that Gov. Jerry Brown needs to champion the current version of the TRUST Act – Assembly Bill 4 – and resist misguided efforts by some to gut the bill. The measure by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, would restore balance to unreasonable immigration "holds" in local jails that have wasted local resources, hurt families and sabotaged trust between law enforcement and immigrant communities. And the bill now represents a delicate compromise from last year’s bolder version, incorporating the great majority of a framework proposed by the Governor’s Office. Last year, Brown regrettably vetoed TRUST, but he embraced the bill’s goals and pledged to immediately work on a modified version. Meanwhile, thousands more Californians have been unfairly deported.
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