Day Laborer Organizations host OSHA Health and Safety Training to Emphasize Spanish Language Certification and Worker Justice

For Immediate ReleaseApril 1, 2016Contact: Armando Carmona,, (323) 250-3018 RELEASE: Day Laborer Organizations host OSHA Health and Safety Training to Emphasize Spanish Language Certification and Worker Justice LOS ANGELES, CA— In partnership with the United Steelworkers Union, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, with the support of The Labor Institute began the first national…


Levantando Nuestras Voces: Leadership Development Curriculum

NDLON leadership development training curriculum, based on popular education principles, for social change (in Spanish). Leadership development, as practiced in NDLON, is a collective teaching and learning process that allows one to learn while transforming their reality. Based on this philosophy, changing the social structures that perpetuate violence, abuse, exploitation and repression of day laborers…