For Immediate Release
May 4, 2015
Contact: Salvador Sarmiento,
Questions for Hillary Clinton on Immigration
We welcome the news that Hillary Clinton will meet with undocumented immigrants this week and hear from those directly impacted by the US deportation machine. However, given her track-record, she has much to account for. Below are several questions to get the conversation started now.
1.) Despite President Obama taking an important first step last November by announcing DAPA and DACA 2.0, the majority of undocumented immigrants – about 7 million – have been left out of relief. Moreover, with DAPA and DACA 2.0 still in court, the entire population of 11 million continues to be at risk. If we agree that there should be a pathway to citizenship for all 11 million undocumented immigrants, will you expand deferred action and take additional steps to ensure that we are not deporting those we say we support? Will you meet with immigrants that did not qualify for administrative relief?
The Obama Administration has overseen a record-breaking number of deportations, fueled by a self-imposed annual deportation quota of 400,000 people per year. Will you commit to ending it? And while DAPA and DACA 2.0 are stuck in court, what steps will you take to protect immigrant communities immediately?
2.) Last year you stated that children escaping from Central America should be sent home. As President, will you reverse that stance and ensure that the US is protecting refugee children and families that are fleeing violence, such as for starters by ending the family detention system in the US?
Moreover, within immigration detention facilities, immigrants and especially LGBTQ people face extreme rates of abuse. Transgender women in particular are frequently subjected to rape and torture at the hands of ICE. Will you fulfill the queer and trans community’s call to end the detention of LGBTQ immigrants?
3.) On Nov. 20th, President Obama announced that, after resounding criticism from local law enforcement officials and immigrant rights advocates, the failed Se Communities deportation program would be terminated and re-branded as the Priority Enforcement Program. However, it’s unclear that anything will be done to address the core problem of S-COMM—the practice of funneling information from local police to ICE at the point of arrest. Will you end this misguided policy that threatens public safety, alienates immigrant communities, and facilitates abuse?
4.) Recent months have seen a surge in attention to police violence. Just last week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) became embroiled in controversy when ICE officers shot and killed Terrance Kellom Sr. in Detroit. Some allege the shooting is part of a pattern of ICE excessive force and abuse toward immigrant and black communities. What will you do to ensure that ICE—which has become in effect a national police force—is subject to proper oversight and community accountability?
5.) We know that as long as workers have the threat of deportation hanging over their heads, unscrupulous employers will take advantage of them. We also know that when undocumented workers protect their workplace rights, it raises the standard for all US workers. Will you expand the policy to provide U visas for workers who are victims of abuse and speak out on behalf of workplace rights?
6.) You have been a part of two separate US Administrations that have championed free trade agreements, increasing displacement and migration abroad and undermining protections for workers’ rights activists already subject to grave civil rights abuses. Will you rescind the failed North American Free Trade Agreement that has exacerbated the crisis in Mexico’s rural communities and increased immigration to the US?