Live Stream: Which Way Forward – Town Hall Discussion on Immigrant Rights and Law Enforcement in LA County

Watch the livestream of the Town Hall event on Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 from 6-8pm. Find more information below and at the Facebook Event link here: Recent events have underscored the significance of community policing initiatives and amplified the importance of trust in law enforcement. With immigration reform stalled in Congress and DAPA/the expansion of…

President’s Own Task Force Calls to “Decouple” Immigration Enforcement from Local Police

For Immediate Release May 18, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, President’s Own Task Force Calls to “Decouple” Immigration Enforcement from Local Police Los Angeles, CA—In response to the Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), made the following remarks: “Today, the…

NDLON and ACLU Litigation Reveals Details about ICE Deportation Program

For Immediate ReleaseMay 12, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, NDLON and ACLU Litigation Reveals Details about ICE Deportation Program Advocates call for end to unconstitutional jail-based detention Los Angeles, CA—The National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) and the ACLU have released a copy of the Department of Homeland Security’s new draft immigration detainer form, obtained through…

As Bristol Sheriff Grand Stands, Law Enforcement State-wide Put on Notice About Potential Liability

PRESS RELEASEContact: Salvador Sarmiento, As Bristol Sheriff Grand Stands, Law Enforcement State-wide Put on Notice About Potential Liability of Submitting to ICE Requests Immigrants groups confront Bristol Sheriff about anti-immigrant policies, warn of recent court rulings against detainers prompted by S-Comm Boston, MA, July 25, 2014 — On Thursday, immigrant and civil rights groups…

150+ Civil and Immigrants Rights Organizations Call on DHS Sec. Johnson to End Use of ICE Holds

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE // excuse cross-postingMay 16, 2014Contact: Salvador Sarmiento,, (202) 746-2099 150+ Civil and Immigrants Rights Organizations Call onDHS Sec. Johnson to End Use of ICE Holds As the President moves to “reboot” Se Communities,advocates demand complete end to key component of the program May 16, 2014, Washington, DC — A day after…

New Wave of Local Intiatives Seek to Restore Trust Damaged by DHS Arizona Style Policies, Push Back Against Se Communities Program

California TRUST Act, DC Bill Set New ‘Commonsense’ Trend 


7.10.2012. Washington, DC. 

Days after the California senate passed a “Post- Arizona SB1070” bill called the TRUST act, and on the day the Washington DC council is signed a similar bill (Bill 19-585) into law, more than twelve cities launched efforts to develop local policies that restore the trust in law enforcement damaged by the Department of Homeland Security’s coercive “Se Communities” deportation program. Groups are calling for an end to the program and urging local officials to join a trend of municipalities led by Cook County, IL, California, and Washington, DC to counter the criminalization of immigrants, to protect against racial profiling, and to prevent the wrongful extended incarceration of residents for the sole purpose of deportation by setting commonsense standards for how to respond to immigration authority’s voluntary hold requests.

Over 100 Arizona Organizations and Notables Call on DHS Secretary Napolitano to End Collaboration with the State of Arizona


Mary Rose Wilcox, Pastor Stewart, Puente, ACLU Cite Pending Humanitarian Crisis, Call for Suspension of Se Communities, Termination of All 287(g) Agreements in Arizona


PHOENIX, 6/27/2012 — In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling in the Department of Justice SB1070 case that allowed section 2B, the racial profiling section of the law to move forward, more than one hundred Arizona-based organizations and notable individuals sent a letter calling on the state’s former governor, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano, to end DHS’ collaboration with Arizona to prevent a pending “humanitarian crisis.”