For Immediate Release // Please Excuse Cross Posting
Friday, October 29, 2021
Media Contact: Viridiana Vidal (702) 206-2110 //
``What levers will you pull?``
National Day Laborer Organizing Network Reacts to Statement from Key Senators on Immigrant Rights
Los Angeles, CA — In response to a joint statement published by Senators Menendez, Lujan, Padilla and Cortez Masto, NDLON co-executive director Pablo Alvarado issued the following statement:
“We welcome the statement of commitment from four Democratic Latino and Latina Senators pledging to fight for the millions of immigrant families deprived of equal rights in this country, and we intend to do everything within our power to help them keep their promise. We are in full solidarity with our brothers and sisters at the National TPS Alliance in calling upon all members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to make clear they will block passage of the entire infrastructure deal if immigrants are not included. Congressman Chuy Garcia (D-IL) and other members of Congress have already made clear they intend to withhold their votes for infrastructure if legalization is withheld from the final deal.
“Will Senators Menendez, Lujan, Padilla and Cortez-Masto make the same pledge? Yesterday they promised ‘to pull every lever to deliver immigration reform to as many undocumented people as possible.’ If they stand together, and if they stand with the millions of immigrants who need relief, they do indeed have the power to pull a lever that could turn the tide on an immigration reform debate which otherwise continues to worsen. So we ask them today: Will you make full use of your power? What levers will you pull?”