For Immediate Release // Please Excuse Cross Posting
Monday, May 11th, 2020

NDLON Reaction to Gov Cuomo Punting to Fed Gov’t on Support for Immigrant Workers

New York, NY — In response to Gov. Cuomo’s statements that he will look to the Trump administration on whether to support undocumented workers and families, NDLON Co-Director Nadia Marin-Molina made the following statements:

“While migrant workers are getting sick and dying in New York, Gov Cuomo chooses to punt to the federal government on whether to provide life-saving assistance to immigrants. This is the abdication of moral and political responsibility that has gotten us so far into trumpland. We already know what Donald Trump thinks of migrant workers, but what about all of us in New York, Governor Cuomo? We are yet to hear anything different from the Governor’s office.”

In a series of covid-safe car caravans of essential and excluded workers, migrant day laborers and worker centers have asked Governor Cuomo what he will do to reject the exclusion of half a million of New York’s undocumented immigrants from the federal stimulus. As of today, 67 NY organizations have endorsed the demands in a letter to Gov. Cuomo from day laborer organizations, faith, labor, and civil rights groups.

Nationwide, communities are calling on cities and states to help fill the enormous gap left between immigrant families and life-saving emergency assistance. For video of the caravans, see here.
