Several hundred immigrant farm workers travelled by car to our Nation’s Capital from far away places such as Arizona, Florida and Chicago for a three-day #Not1more Deportation Covening to address the issue of deportation of immigrants. When a family member is deported, the families are seperated for long periods of time with the ensuing struggle of being reunited seeming hopeless. Oftentimes, those family members remaining in this country are forced to return to their homelands as the only way of being reunited. Many of those who attended the convening participated in a three-day fast to further draw attention to the issue of deportation. The conference included works, development of direct acton teams to educate the public, mobilization, a film screening and a concert which was held this evening at Freedom Plaza in downtown DC. An art exhibit of banners used during protests in Arizona where on display also along with a resemblence of a wall separating Mexico from the United St…
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