Just a week after the Supreme Court handed a major victory to day laborers, other courts are heeding the high court’s guidance, and blocking anti-day laborer provisions from being enforced. Today, a federal court enjoined provisions of Arizona’s SB 1070 which barred drivers from blocking traffic and hiring people for work and forbade potential workers from entering a car if it was blocking traffic. These provisions, which were ostensibly about ensuring public safety and “protecting the aesthetics of communities,” according to the law, were thinly veiled provisions designed to make a crime out of day laborers’ traditional modes of seeking work—waiting in construction store parking lots or on the sides of streets for contractors and other would-be employers to hire them. – COLORLINES 02.29.2012
Read more http://colorlines.com/archives/2012/02/anti-day_laborer_provision_in_arizonas_sb_1070_blocked.html