Immigration Reform: Hispanics Want Deportation Relief Over Citizenship — Fusion.

The president sees this as being outside his authority, but such an action wouldn’t be without precedent. In 2012, his administration created a program that lets young undocumented immigrants live and work in the U.S. legally. Marisa Franco, lead organizer for the National Day Laborer Organizing Network’s #Not1More campaign, responded to the Pew r…

Immigration Reform: Hispanics Want Deportation Relief Over Citizenship — Fusion.

The president sees this as being outside his authority, but such an action wouldn’t be without precedent. In 2012, his administration created a program that lets young undocumented immigrants live and work in the U.S. legally. Marisa Franco, lead organizer for the National Day Laborer Organizing Network’s #Not1More campaign, responded to the Pew r…

Miami-Dade plans to stop paying for federal immigration detentions – Miami-Dade –

Fed up with underwriting the nation’s broken federal immigration system, Miami-Dade County plans to stop paying the cost of temporarily housing undocumented immigrants in its jails. The dramatic shift in policy comes at a time when the cash-strapped county is coping with a tight budget, but some county commissioners say they are also calling a…

NDLON Reacts to New Pew Study on Deportations and Citizenship

Contact: B. Loewe, NDLON,

NDLON Reacts to New Pew Study on Deportations and Citizenship

December 19th – Washington, DC
In response to the new Pew Research Center Study “Deportation Relief Seen as More Important than Citizenship,” representatives of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network issued the following statements:

Tania Unzueta stated, “It’s sometimes forgotten how personal the immigration debate is to those actually affected by it. Those debating the importance of citizenship need to be listening to those who live undocumented, those in detention centers, and those getting deported. Political equality starts with, and this debate actually moves forward when, people get to make the case for themselves instead of having their lives decided by others. One thing that’s clear is that you can’t decide your status preference if you’re already deported.  Citizenship has been used as a bargaining chip for too long, and there’s a clear path toward it that starts with stopping deportations.”