Exigen en Los Ángeles a Obama ‘ni un deportado más’ – San diego – Noticias – UniradioNoticias.com

Con la consigna de "Ni un deportado más", cheap decenas de manifestantes urgieron hoy al presidente estadunidense Barack Obama a suspender las deportaciones de indocumentados en Estados Unidos. La protesta, que incluyó acciones de desobediencia civil por lo que se encadenaron unos a otros para bloquear la vialidad, fue opacada…

Day laborers: Obama known outside Beltway as ‘deporter-in-chief’ – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room

The National Day Laborer Organizing Network, an organization that works to improve the lives of transient workers, is critical of the White House’s promises to take a progressive stance on reforms. “At this point, his words sound like empty promises stacked against his record,” said Pablo Alvarado, the group’s executive director, in a statement. By…

Day laborers: Obama known outside Beltway as ‘deporter-in-chief’ – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room

The National Day Laborer Organizing Network, an organization that works to improve the lives of transient workers, is critical of the White House’s promises to take a progressive stance on reforms. “At this point, his words sound like empty promises stacked against his record,” said Pablo Alvarado, the group’s executive director, in a statement. By…

Day laborers: Obama known outside Beltway as ‘deporter-in-chief’ – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room

The National Day Laborer Organizing Network, an organization that works to improve the lives of transient workers, cheap is critical of the White House’s promises to take a progressive stance on reforms. “At this point, his words sound like empty promises stacked against his record,” said Pablo Alvarado, the group’s executive director, in a statement. By…