Immigrants Serenade Outside Fed Detention Facility in Houston, Demand “ICE Out Of Harris County”

For Immediate Release June 29, 2015
Contact: SG Sarmiento, // Martha Ojeda, Immigrants Serenade Outside Fed Detention Facility in Houston, Demand “ICE Out of Harris County” “Harris County Sheriff Hickman must define whether he will continue this deportation agenda, or take the first, necessary step to build trust with the Latino community” Houston, Texas—Early Monday morning,…

RELEASE: Civil Rts Groups Slam Latest DHS Deportation Program; Demand DHS Discontinue Unlawful Detention Requests

For Immediate ReleaseJune 17, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, Civil Rights Organizations Slam DHS’s Latest Deportation Program; Call on DHS to Discontinue Use of Unlawful Detention Requests Replacement for Discredited “Se Communities” Program Suffers From Serious Legal Flaws that Expose DHS and Cooperating Law Enforcement Agencies to Liability Wednesday, June 16, 2015—In response to new details…

Tuskegee, First City in Alabama to enact Immigrant TRUST Policy, Reject Entanglement with ICE

For Immediate Release May 27, 2015Contacts:   Yazmine Contreras,                  Rodrigo Barragan, TUSKEGEE, First City in Alabama to Enact an Immigrant TRUST Policy,Reject Entanglement with Immigration Enforcement Policy Advances Pres. Obama’s Policing Task Force’s Call to“Decouple federal immigration enforcement from routine local policing” TUSKEGEE, Alabama – Wednesday…

While Sheriff Valdez Hosts ICE Director, Community Demands “ICE Out Of Dallas”

For Immediate Release May 20, 2015Contact:   Daniel Barrera,                  SG Sarmiento,  While Sheriff Valdez Hosts ICE Director, Community Demands “ICE Out Of Dallas”Groups to hold press conference before County Sheriff Hosts ICE Director in Dallas WHAT: Press conference by community groups demanding ICE Out of DallasWHEN:…

President’s Own Task Force Calls to “Decouple” Immigration Enforcement from Local Police

For Immediate Release May 18, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, President’s Own Task Force Calls to “Decouple” Immigration Enforcement from Local Police Los Angeles, CA—In response to the Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), made the following remarks: “Today, the…

DHS’ New Deportation “Priority”: Army Veteran with US Citizen Wife and Children

For Immediate Release May 14, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, 202-746-2099, DHS’ New Deportation “Priority”: Army Veteran with US Citizen Wife and ChildrenAs White House Prepares Roll-out of New Deportation Program, to Prioritize means to Criminalize Hartford, CT—On Thursday, immigrant and veteran communities in Connecticut lambasted the imminent deportation of Jorge Luis Salcedo, a US Army veteran…

Without Justice, There is No Rule of Law: Immigrant Groups Join Call for Justice in Baltimore

For Immediate ReleaseApril 29, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, “Without Justice, There is No Rule of Law”: Immigrant Groups Join Call for Justice in Baltimore Washington, DC—In response to the Baltimore Police’s killing of Freddie Gray, a young black man in police custody, and widespread outrage by communities in Baltimore and across the country, members of the…


For Immediate Release // Please excuse cross-posting March 20, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, 202-746-2099 NDLON STATEMENT IN REACTION TO ICE DIRECTOR SALDAÑA’s “AMEN” COMMENTS ABOUT UNCONSTITUTIONAL DEPORTATION POLICY (Los Angeles, CA)—Today, ICE Director Sarah Saldaña issued a press release attempting to clarify her position on ICE’s unconstitutional practice that compelled police to detain immigrants. During yesterday’s House Oversight hearing, Rep. Mulvaney asked Saldaña if she…