NDLON: The Deporter-In-Chief v. 26 Nativist Governors & Attorneys-General (aka US v. Texas)

For Immediate Release April 15, 2016Contact: Armando Carmona, armando@ndlon.org, 951-966-6500 The Deporter-In-Chief v. 26 Nativist Governors & Attorneys-General (aka US v. Texas) Los Angeles, CA—In the lead up to oral arguments in the case of U.S. v. Texas, National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) representatives, Pablo Alvarado and Jessica Karp Bansal, made the following statements: Litigation…

NDLON Statement on Vitter: More, Not Less, Sanctuary Needed

For Immediate Release October 20, 2015Contact: Salvador G Sarmiento, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org NDLON Statement on Vitter: More, Not Less, Sanctuary Needed (Los Angeles, CA) – In response to today’s Senate vote, Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), issued the following statement: “Today’s bill was never meant to become law. It was introduced…

NDLON reaction to HR 3009 Vote: All Eyes on Senator Feinstein

For Immediate ReleaseContact: SG Sarmiento, 202-746-2099, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org July 23, 2015 NDLON reaction to HR 3009 Vote: All Eyes on Senator Feinstein (Los Angeles, CA)—Today, the House voted to pass HR 3009, despite a very clear statement from President Obama that he would veto it. In reaction, Chris Newman, Legal Director at the National Day Laborer Organizing…

NDLON reaction to hearing: Surge of Racist Rhetoric is Endangering All of Us

For Immediate Release
July 21, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, sgsarmiento@ndlon.org, 202-746-2099 REACTION: Surge of Racist Rhetoric is Endangering All of US Los Angeles, CA—In response to today’s Senate Committee on Judiciary hearing, Pablo Alvarado, Director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) issued the following statement: “Donald Trump, a birther who believes President Obama himself is an undocumented…