Santa Ana City Council Demands ICE Back Off from Immigrant Resident, Accountability for O.C. Sheriff’s Illegal Collusion with ICE

For Immediate Release March 16, 2016Contact: Alexis Nava Teodoro,   Santa Ana City Council Demands ICE Back Off from Immigrant Resident, Accountability for O.C. Sheriff’s Illegal Collusion with ICE Santa Ana, CA—On Tuesday evening, the City Council of Santa Ana unanimously adopted a resolution demanding federal immigration enforcement (ICE) not deport local resident Samuel Sixtos…

Texas Sheriff’s Statement Raises Alarms About New Deportation Program

For Immediate ReleaseJuly 3, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, Texas Sheriff’s Statement Raises Alarms About New Deportation Program “All they did was change the name” says Travis County Sheriff Austin, Texas–According to Travis County Sheriff Greg Hamilton, the new Priority Enforcement Program (PEP), which replaced the failed Se Communities deportation program, is “pretty close” to the…

RELEASE: Civil Rts Groups Slam Latest DHS Deportation Program; Demand DHS Discontinue Unlawful Detention Requests

For Immediate ReleaseJune 17, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, Civil Rights Organizations Slam DHS’s Latest Deportation Program; Call on DHS to Discontinue Use of Unlawful Detention Requests Replacement for Discredited “Se Communities” Program Suffers From Serious Legal Flaws that Expose DHS and Cooperating Law Enforcement Agencies to Liability Wednesday, June 16, 2015—In response to new details…

Tuskegee, First City in Alabama to enact Immigrant TRUST Policy, Reject Entanglement with ICE

For Immediate Release May 27, 2015Contacts:   Yazmine Contreras,                  Rodrigo Barragan, TUSKEGEE, First City in Alabama to Enact an Immigrant TRUST Policy,Reject Entanglement with Immigration Enforcement Policy Advances Pres. Obama’s Policing Task Force’s Call to“Decouple federal immigration enforcement from routine local policing” TUSKEGEE, Alabama – Wednesday…

Without Justice, There is No Rule of Law: Immigrant Groups Join Call for Justice in Baltimore

For Immediate ReleaseApril 29, 2015Contact: SG Sarmiento, “Without Justice, There is No Rule of Law”: Immigrant Groups Join Call for Justice in Baltimore Washington, DC—In response to the Baltimore Police’s killing of Freddie Gray, a young black man in police custody, and widespread outrage by communities in Baltimore and across the country, members of the…