The Circus in Congress Will Not Distract Growing Calls For Immigrant Equality

For Immediate Release // Excuse cross-posting // Please share Contact: SG Sarmiento, NDLON, 202-746-2099 The Circus in Congress Will Not Distract Growing Calls For Immigrant Equality In reaction to the most recent spectacle in Congress and the publication of the President’s budget request, Pablo Alvarado, Executive Director of NDLON, issued the following statement: “For years,…

NDLON Responds to GOP Immigration Principles

For immediate release // excuse cross-postingContact: B. Loewe, 773.791.4668 bloewe{at} In response to the GOP’s principles on immigration released today, Chris Newman, legal director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network issued the following statement: “We are concerned the nativists within the Republican party now control the the whip hand on the immigration reform debate.…