Immigrant Workers Take Sheriff Joe Arpaio and County’s Top Prosecutor To Court

Media Advisory for October 13 Contacts: Carlos Garcia, Puente,; Armando Carmona, NDLON,, (323) 250-3018; Steve Kilar, ACLU of Arizona,; Jennifer Kim, UCI Law,   Immigrant Workers Take Sheriff Joe Arpaio and County’s Top Prosecutor To Court Plaintiffs Ask Federal Judge to Rule Arpaio’s Workplace Raids and County Prosecutions of Immigrant Workers…

Day Laborer Network Statement on Conclusion of Civil Rights Lawsuit Challenging Arizona’s SB 1070

For Immediate Release
 // Excuse Cross Postings // Available Online Here.September 15th, 2016
Contact: Armando Carmona,, (323) 250-3018 Day Laborer Network Statement on Conclusion of Civil Rights Lawsuit Challenging Arizona’s SB 1070 (Los Angeles, CA, Phoenix, AZ)  Following the Arizona Attorney General’s opinion establishing guidance for the two remaining provisions of SB 1070, the civil…