Families of Deportees & Detainees Call on Bill Clinton to Denounce His ‘96 Immigration Law, Join “Bring Jose Back” Petition

For Immediate Release // Please Excuse Cross-Posting // Available Online here September 29, 2016 Contact: Armando Carmona, armando@ndlon.org, (323) 250-3018   Families of Deportees & Detainees Call on Bill Clinton to Denounce His ‘96 Immigration Law, Join “Bring Jose Back” Petition 1996 federal immigration legislation (IIRIRA) is responsible for fusing mass incarceration and mass deportation…

NDLON: The Most Anti-Immigrant Bill Signed into Law in Our Lifetime

For Immediate Release
 April 29, 2016
Contact: Armando Carmona, armando@ndlon.org, (323) 250-3018 NDLON: The Most Anti-Immigrant Bill Signed into Law in Our Lifetime Los Angeles, CA—In response to the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) Co-Chairs and Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) Chairwoman introducing a resolution calling for a repeal of the 1996 laws criminalizing immigrants, Pablo Alvarado,…