That excitement quickly faded for a group of 200 immigrants — some legal, some not — who were watching the speech in a Washington, D.C., conference room. They started booing when Obama touted the work his administration has done to se the border and deport illegal immigrants with criminal records. "He said he’s deporting criminals, but I know parents who have been deported who are not criminals," said Leticia Ramirez, 28, a Phoenix mother who was brought to the USA from Mexico when she was 8. "We were expecting more." The group applauded as Obama called for a path to citizenship for the nation’s 11 million illegal immigrants. And they cheered when he said that America’s economy could only be bolstered by the "talents and ingenuity of striving, hopeful immigrants." "We work the hardest but have the lowest salaries in this country," said Sylvia Lopez, 48, an illegal immigrant, single mother of two, and Oakland housekeeper who flew to D.C. to watch the speech and lobby members …
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