Migración Laboral Boletín No. 1

Boletín Informativo No. 1 – Red de Corredores por la Justicia en Migración Laboral

La Red de Corredores por la Justicia en Migración Laboral surge de la necesidad de visibilizar y transformar la actual violación sistemática de los derechos y la criminalización de las personas migrantes trabajadoras ya sea en sus lugares de origen, transito y destino. Por esto, las organizaciones participantes se están organizando transnacionalmente para luchar por un acceso a la justicia y bienestar de las personas migrantes y sus familiares en el continente.

Background about the DALE Campaign

Since day one of the Biden Administration, NDLON day laborer centers and workers’ rights organizations called for immediate use of existing executive authority to protect immigrant workers – by stopping deportations and granting work authorization – for those who denounce workplace abuse, those who continued working through the pandemic and other disasters, and those who…

Alabama Factory Used Migrant Child Labor

A shameful display of child labor abuse was recently uncovered in an Alabama Factory, where Central and South American migrant children were not only being hired, but trained to withstand large workloads and long hours. The report by Reuters clearly shows why migrant protections for reporting labor abuse must be put in place by our…

May Day, The Struggle Continues!

Just three days ago, day laborers and worker centers across the country hosted vigils, marches, and other actions to remember fallen colleagues, loved ones and friends, in a moving nationwide commemoration of those who have died from work-related injuries, illness and abuse. Yesterday we honored the fallen, and today and on International Workers Day we…